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Monday, March 8, 2010

There's No Place Like (a Clean, Healthy) Home - 10 Simple Tips You Can Implement Today!

There's No Place Like (a Clean, Healthy) Home
10 Simple Tips You Can Implement Today!

There's No Place Like (a Clean, Healthy) Home10 Simple Tips You Can Implement Today!

After the cold winds of winter, it's nice to finally open the windows and freshen up the house with the scents of spring. And while opening those windows can feel good, one of the best feelings of spring is getting that clean feeling back. After all, some experts estimate that 40 pounds of dirt can pile up in your home over the course of just one year!

To help you start fresh this spring, this article offers you 10 simple ways to make your house clean and healthy.

Words to Live (and Clean) By
Tip #1: Clean regularly. It sounds simple, but it can be hard to implement and stick to when life gets in the way. There are a few things you can do to make it easier to stick to a regular cleaning schedule. The first tip is to actually design a schedule. Make a plan to tackle some of the biggest projects, like vacuuming or cleaning the bathroom–one each day of the week if necessary. You can also make sure the work is divided between all the members of the house; that way, the work doesn't fall onto one person's shoulders and children learn a sense of responsibility.

Tip #2: Eliminate clutter. One of the quickest ways to keep a clean house is to make sure it never gets too dirty or cluttered. To avoid it, make a point to quickly pick up high-traffic areas (like the kitchen, dining room, and family room) each night before heading to bed. You'd be amazed what a few minutes of straightening can accomplish. In addition, you can also keep a box ready for items that should be thrown away or donated. For more information on eliminating clutter and getting organized, check out our past article on strategies to get organized.

Make the Living Room More Livable

Tip #3: Dust down. Dusting can be a real pain…and can create a big mess with all that dust flying around. To help minimize the mess (and isn't that the goal in the first place?), remember to dust from top to bottom–starting with cobwebs near the ceiling and high shelves.

Tip #4: Buy plants. Plants can be pretty amazing. They help clean the air and constantly breathe oxygen into your home. In addition, they add a cozy, welcoming feeling to just about any room.

Kitchens and Bathrooms

Tip #5: Go chemical free. These days, more and more people are going chemical free for their cleaning products…and for good reason. As we reported last May in our article on toxic-free cleaning, the average household cleaner may include chemicals, fragrances, and dyes that can be irritating to your eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. If that wasn't bad enough, most conventional cleaning products are produced using a petroleum-based formula. That's right, petroleum. For more information on safe, natural cleaning products and for cleaning tips, visit

Tip #6: Freshen towels. Wet towels can be a breading place for mold and mildew. Unfortunately, it's all too common to use the same towel again and again and again. To eliminate the potential problem, remember to change towels after just a few uses. You can also try to hang towels to dry near a heating element immediately after using them.

Windows to the World

Tip #7: Open often. We all like to seal up the house during the cold winter or humid summer days. But when the weather permits, don't forget to open up those windows and get the air moving again to clear out the stale air inside your home.

Tip #8: Clean screens. Most everyone hates doing windows–all those streaks can be a pain. Instead of putting it off, make sure you clean your windows at least every six months, inside and out. When you do, don't forget the screens. Dirt and allergens can really build up on the screens, which means they'll be blowing into your house every time you open your window.

Tip #9: Consider the curtains. Window screens aren't the only things capturing dirt and allergens. If you have heavy curtains that haven't been cleaned in a while, it's probably time for a good cleaning. While they're down, you may want to consider which rooms really need curtains. If you don't need them in a room for privacy or to break the harsh sun, you might consider eliminating the dirt trap altogether.

Final Thoughts

Tip #10: Get help. Let's face it–you're busy. Sometimes, the best step is admitting that you simply can't do it all by yourself. If that's the situation you face, it may be time to consider hiring a little help. The best news is that it doesn't have to cost you a lot of money. You can hire a house cleaner or even a local college student to clean every other week or even once a month. Better still, you can talk to the person about just doing the one or two cleaning jobs that take you the most time or are often overlooked. That way, you can keep the cost down, while keeping your house fresh and clean.

Remember, the best tip to follow is to do a little cleaning every day–even if it's something small. Whether you quickly straighten a room or replace the towels in the bathroom, a few minutes can go a long way to making sure your home is clean and healthy.

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